
"This images emerge from a movement of identity reaffirmation. The faces, mostly painted from my own or my relatives', aim to portray the seriousness that inhabits them. Beyond facial expressions, I also use body gestures to convey a thought."

- Ana Neves

Ana Neves (b. 1998) was born in São Vicente Ferrer, in the rural region of Pernambuco, and currently resides in Recife. Identifying as a multidisciplinary artist, her visual creation intersects with various artistic expressions.
Neves perceives her work as a complex migratory process that engages her deeply, allowing her to explore and confront her questions about the world and her place within it. Her art stems from a necessity to document both personal and collective memory.
Through her exploration of the hybrid body (human-fauna, human-flora, human-object), Neves seeks to highlight the shared experience of existence, underscoring the transient and migratory nature of life, much like her creative process itself. Her work serves as a testament to the interconnectedness of all beings and the ephemeral nature of existence, inviting viewers to reflect on their own place within the broader tapestry of life.

Ana Neves has been showcasing her work in various exhibitions across Brazil. Recent highlights include "Pôr Defesa" at Galeria Amparo 60 in Recife (PE), and "Panorama" at Ceci Galeria in Petrolina (PE). She has also participated in salons and art festivals such as the 2ª Mostra de Arte Solidária MTST in Olinda, PE, and the 2ª Salão de Beleza at MAMAM (modern art museum) in Recife (PE) and  "CAOS" at the Mercado Eufrásio Barbosa in Olinda, PE.