Caleb Kwarteng Prah

"Aesthetically, I’m inspired by the social economic conditions of everyday Ghanaians, so I borrow from the texture, the color and the patterns from everyday objects like trotros, the most common means of local transportation in Kumasi. Trotro culture is a very vibrant and colorful scene which has a lot of interesting stories within the space."  - Caleb Kwarteng Prah

In the realm of Ghanaian artistic expression, Caleb Kwarteng Prah (Ghanaian, b. 1994)  stands as a beacon, his compositions serving as luminous reflections of the soul of the Ghanaian working class. Using photography and painting as his witness, the artist unveils the inherent splendor of laboring hands, deftly weaving together captivating portraits with the fabric of everyday life, blending the tangible with the intangible in compositions that speak volumes about the urban tapestry of Ghana.


Fascinated by the interplay between images, objects, and the human experience in Ghanaian urban culture, Kwarteng Prah’s work transcends mere documentation to become a visual symphony of colors and textures, each frame a testament to the resilience and spirit of his subjects. Drawing inspiration from the annals of Western art history, he skillfully appropriates postures and compositional techniques to craft narratives that resonate deeply with the African experience.


Nurtured by the ethos of post-independence photographic practice, Kwarteng Prah’s artistry melds street photography with personal archives, weaving together a rich tapestry of memory and nostalgia. Yet beneath the surface of his seemingly whimsical compositions lies a profound political message – a testament to the transformative power of photography in reclaiming and redefining Africa's narrative on the global stage. The artist’s oeuvre speaks volumes about the complexity and beauty of the Ghanaian experience, inviting viewers to engage with the memory and history that defines the nation, confronting the ghosts of the past while charting a course towards a brighter, more hopeful future.


Through his work Caleb Kwarteng Prah emerges not just as an artist, but as a storyteller, a historian, and a visionary, his work serving as a bridge between the past and the present, the local and the global. As he continues to illuminate the beauty and resilience of the Ghanaian spirit, one thing remains clear – his legacy will endure as a testament to the transformative power of art in shaping our collective consciousness.

Art Fairs