Laryssa Machada


"I believe that being in this warrior's body is not just about being with another woman, but also about being a warrior, telling your story, and hunting for your space. Ultimately, a fair History with you and your body."

- Laryssa Machada

Laryssa Machada (born 1993) is a visual artist, photographer, and filmmaker who lives and works in São Paulo. She creates images as rituals of decolonization and new narratives of the present and future. Her work discusses the imagery of LGBT individuals, indigenous peoples, and the homeless, contributing to the process of “Brazilian de-invasion” – her deconstruction of the fictional history of Brazil that has long been considered reality.
Machada studied journalism, social sciences, and visual arts. Her works are part of the collections of museums and institutions such as Itaú Cultural and Museu Paranaense. The artist was nominated for the PIPA Prize, selected for artistic residencies at Pivô Pesquisa and Inclusartiz, and participated in group exhibitions such as the “22nd Panorama of Contemporary Arts” at MAM-SP, “Contra-Flecha” at Galeria Almeida e Dale (SP), and “Objeto-Sujeito” at Museu Paranaense. Additionally, she held her first solo exhibition, titled “Y elas voltem a se codificar,” at Asfalto in 2022.
Machada's creations serve as rituals of decolonization, presenting new narratives for the present and future. Her work is characterized by portraits that blend ancestry, documentation, and fiction, resulting from her wanderings, encounters, passions, and provocations captured through her unique perspective.